You can choose to restrict Pennylane access based on a specific user access, thus linking your Token with a specific user and a specific company.

To do so, we use OAuth 2.0, an industry-standard protocol. It allows our application to access specific user data without requiring a private user's credentials. A good representation of the protocol can be found here

Register your application


Register your app with Pennylane

In order to connect to Pennylane via OAuth 2.0, your app must be registered. To ask to be registered, you can fill the form available here. We will validate your demand and assign you a specific Client Id and Client Secret. The Client Secret should not be shared.

If you are a partner, you can ask for OAuth access along with a sandbox by sending a mail to [email protected]. Do not forget to add your redirection URLs for the Oauth access.

Once registered, you app will be able to ask for specific permission scopes and will be rewarded with an access token upon a user's approval. An access token is linked to a specific user and to a specific company.

Step 1 : "Sign in with Pennylane" button

Once you get your client id and client secret, you can include in your app a "Sign in with Pennylane" button. This button should redirect users to the following URL : The following parameters should be passed as GET parameters:

client_idyesId provided by Pennylane once your app is registered
redirect_uriyesURL to redirect to after user approval (whether successful or not)
response_typeyesType of authentication flow. Must be code.
statenoA security parameter. A unique string that is sent back to you at the end of the authentication process.
scopeyesThe scope you want to have access to. If you add multiple scopes, use + as a delimiter.

Once loaded, the page will ask the logged user to pick one of his accessible companies.

Step 2 : Users are redirected with an authorization code

After getting the user's approval to authorize your app, Pennylane will redirect the user to the redirect_uri you provided with an authorization code GET parameter and the state parameter if you provided one in the previous state. You should compare the received state with the one you provided. If they don't match, the request may have been compromised, you should abort the process.

Step 3 : Exchange Authorization Code <=> Bearer Token

Once you compared the state, you can exchange the authorization code provided in step 1 with an actual bearer token. To do so, you should make a post request on The following parameters should be passed as body parameters:

client_idyesId provided by Pennylane once your app is registered
client_secretyesClient Secret provided by Pennylane once your app is registered
codeyesThe code received in step 2.
redirect_uriyesURL to redirect to once our server handled your request (whether successful or not)
grant_typeyesMust be authorization_code at this step. Only authorization_code and refresh_token are currently supported

If the client_id / client_secret / code are all valid, Pennylane will send you a JSON response containing an access_token, an expiration date and a refresh_token. You must store the access_token and the refresh_token.
Note: You can only use the code once to retrieve the tokens.

 "access_token": "de6780bc506a0446309bd9362820ba8aed28aa506c71eedbe1c5c4f9dd350e54",
 "token_type": "Bearer", 
 "expires_in": 86400,
 "refresh_token": "8257e65c97202ed1726cf9571600918f3bffb2544b26e00a61df9897668c33a1"

Refresh the token

Once the access_token has reached its expiration date, you won’t be able to access Pennylane anymore. You'll need to request a new one through a post request at
The following parameters should be passed as body parameters:

client_idyesThis id will be provided by Pennylane once you ask us to registrer your application
client_secretyesClient Secret will be provided by Pennylane once you ask us to registrer your application
refresh_tokenyesThe refresh token provided by Pennylane once you create the access_token
grant_typeyesMust be refresh_token at this step. Only authorization_code and refresh_token are supported