Supported use cases

You'll find here the list of use cases supported or not by Pennylane's API

Use caseSupportedPlanned in the 2024 roadmap ?
Create a customer invoice:white-check-mark:
Create a downpayment invoice (facture d'acomptes)
Create a delivery note (bon de livraison)
Create a purchase order (bon de commande)
Create a supplier invoice:white-check-mark:
Create a supplier or customer invoice with analytical tags:white-check-mark:
Retrieve banking transactions:white-check-mark:
Create banking transactions:white-check-mark:
Create a credit note (avoir):white-check-mark:
Create an estimate (devis):white-check-mark:
Transform an estimate into a customer invoice:white-check-mark:
Reconcile an invoice with a transactionPartial:white-check-mark:
Create ledger entries:white-check-mark:
Create ledger entries with analytical tags:white-check-mark: