Filter my estimates

You need to add a filter parameter to your GET request. This parameter has to be a JSON array of objects. Please refer to the filters main section to see how to build correctly the filter parameter.

Allowed filter combinations for estimates

FieldDescriptionValue(s)Available operators
statusThe estimate statusLook at the estimate status values beloweq
sourceThe estimate sourceLook at the estimate source values beloweq, not_eq
customer_idThe estimate customer idStringeq
currency_amountThe estimate amount in currencyStringeq, not_eq, lt, gt, lteq, gteq
currency_amount_before_taxThe estimate amount before tax in currencyStringeq, not_eq, lt, gt, lteq, gteq
amountThe estimate amount in eurosStringeq, not_eq, lt, gt, lteq, gteq
dateThe estimate issue dateString (ISO 8601)eq, not_eq, lt, gt, lteq, gteq
deadlineThe estimate expiration dateString (ISO 8601)eq, not_eq, lt, gt, lteq, gteq

List of estimate status values

estimate_pending_statusAn estimate waiting to be denied or accepted
estimate_accepted_statusAn estimate that has been accepted
estimate_denied_statusAn estimate that has been denied

List of estimate source values

quotesAn estimate coming from Pennylane estimate editor
external_api_createAn estimate created by Pennylane API