Supported use cases

You'll find here the list of use cases supported by the API. Please note that new use cases will be supported in the V2 only, as the V1 will be depreciated in the future.

Use caseV2V1
Create a customer invoice
Create a downpayment invoice (facture d'acomptes) - workaround possible
Create a customer invoice from a template
Create a supplier invoice
Create a supplier or customer invoice with analytical tags
Create a credit note (avoir)
Create ledger entries
Create ledger entries with analytical tags
Handle imputation dates on supplier invoices (CCA)
Handle imputation dates on customer invoices (PCA)
Create a purchase order (bon de commande)
Create a delivery note (bon de livraison)
Manage billing subscriptionsplanned in 2025
Transform an estimate into a customer invoiceplanned in 2025
Create banking transactionsplanned in 2025
Create an estimate (devis)planned in 2025
Match a customer or supplier invoice with a transactionplanned in 2025
Retrieve banking transactionsplanned in 2025
Handle FNP for supplier invoicesplanned in 2025
Handle FAE for customer invoicesplanned in 2025