V2 Scopes

Scopes are used to limit a token's access to Pennylane data.

exports:aglRetrieve the analytical general ledgerAnalytical General Ledger export
exports:fecRetrieve the FECFEC export
fiscal_years:readonlyView your fiscal yearsFiscal Years
ledgerView and manage your ledger entriesJournals
Ledger Accounts
Ledger Attachments
Ledger Entries
trial_balance:readonlyView your trial balanceTrial Balance
customer_invoices:allView and manage your customer invoicesCustomer Invoices
Customer Invoice Lines
Customer Invoice Line Sections
customer_invoices:readonlyView your customer invoicesCustomer Invoices
Customer Invoice Lines
Customer Invoice Line Sections
products:allView and manage your productsProducts
products:readonlyView your productsProducts
customers:allView and manage your customersIndividual Customer
Company Customer
customers:readonlyView your customersIndividual Customer
Company Customer
file_attachments:allView and manage your filesFile Attachments
file_attachments:readonlyView your filesFile Attachments
credit_notes:allView and manage your credit notesCredit Notes
Credit Note Lines
Credit Note Line Sections
credit_notes:readonlyView your credit notesCredit Notes
Credit Note Lines
Credit Note Line Sections
categories:allView and manage categoriesCategories
Category groups
categories:readonlyView your categoriesCategories
Category groups
supplier_invoices:allView and manage your supplier invoicesSupplier Invoices
Supplier Invoice Lines
supplier_invoices:readonlyView your supplier invoicesSupplier Invoices
Supplier Invoice Lines
suppliers:allView and manage your suppliersSuppliers
suppliers:readonlyView your suppliersSuppliers
draft_invoices:allView and manage your draft invoicesDraft Invoices
draft_invoices:readonlyView draft invoicesDraft Invoices
customer_invoice_templates:readonlyView customer invoice templatesCustomer invoice templates