Import vs create a customer invoice, what's the difference ?

Importing a customer invoice

You can import an existing customer invoice when the invoice has been made in another tool. This means you need to provide the file of the invoice on top of the data needed to create the invoice.

The file needs to be uploaded using File attachments scope creation endpoint. You can then pass on the id of the file attachment in the import endpoint.

When you import an invoice, you can choose to send it to the Pennylane's inbox section by selecting import_as_incomplete. This also means that the invoice is sent as to be treated on the accounting side.


The import endpoint does not use OCR. This means you need to provide all the information of the invoice as well as the file. If you want to upload invoices and use Pennylane's OCR, you can try out the mail import feature.

Creating a customer invoice

You can use this endpoint to create a new invoice that will use Pennylane's invoice editor. This means that the endpoint also generates the PDF of the file. You can choose the template of your choice when creating the customer invoice.

Unless it is in draft status, the customer invoice is considered finalized. If you want to cancel it, you need to create a credit note.


In both cases, you need to create all objects needed for the invoice beforehand : customer, product, categories, etc. and link them to the invoice with their id.