Getting Started with Pennylane API

This page will help you get started with our public API.

We're excited you're here! πŸ’™

Before you start, please be aware that by using this API, you agree to be bound by our API contract terms.

🚦 Authentication

You are a Pennylane customer

You can use your own company API Key in order to connect to our API.

You are a partner

If you are willing to become an integration partner, you have to use OAuth 2.0 protocol.

You first need to reach out to our partnerships team here and explain your integration project with us.

πŸ“ˆ Create your testing environment

You are a Pennylane customer

To test our API without impacting your accounting, we highly recommend you to use a sandbox environment.

Here are the steps to create your sandbox account :

  • Connect to your Pennylane account on our platform
  • Click on your profile on the top right corner
  • Click on "Test environment"
  • Click on "Create my sandbox"

You now have access to two different accounts on our platform: your own, and a sandbox account that should be named {Sandbox - <YOUR_EMAIL>}.

You are a partner

Please send a request to [email protected] with your full name & mail address to use for the sandbox creation.

✳️ Set-up your testing environment

Depending on what areas of the API you're willing to test, you need to set up Pennylane application to make it work.

For Customer Invoices

If you've never created an invoice through Pennylane before, or if you're using a new sandbox environment or a new account, chances are your account needs to be set-up. To do so, you need to use the invoice parameter page in our Pennylane app.

➑️ Set up your address, contact information (mail), bank account and logo and don't forget to validate.
➑️ Set up the numbering of your invoices. You are required by law to have a sequential numbering of invoices, we will therefore automatically generate the next invoice numbers !

You can also find a step-by-step guide (in French) in our Helpcenter.

πŸ’¬ We're here to help!

If you need help throughout your integration process, here is what you can do :

  • If you're a customer, reach out to our support team and explain your integration project.
  • If you're a partner, reach out to [email protected] or through your already created Zendesk access. Otherwise, Partnerships team will give you access to Zendesk to create tickets & follow-up on them.
This won't be fun to clean up...